302 Stainless Steel Pipe
302 Stainless Steel Pipe Supplier

Type 302 Stainless Steel Pipe is a popular austenitic and non-magnetic stainless steel that is known for its toughness and ductility. Although very similar to 302 Stainless Steel Pipe, Type 302 Stainless Steel Pipe has more carbon and a good record of corrosion resistance. Though it does have a tendency to work harden, this can be overcome by slow speeds and high feeds.
After conditioning Am 302 Stainless Steel Pipe at 1710 °F +/-25 °F for 90 minutes per inch of thickness, alloy 350 is held for a minimum of 3 hours at -100 °F, then tempered at either 850 °F or 1000 °F for a minimum of 3 hours. The 850 °F temper produces the highest strengths and harnesses, and the 1000 °F temper produces improved toughness and stress corrosion properties. UNS S35000 Sheet can be readily hot worked. It is worked from a maximum temperature of 2150 °F. The use of temperature above 2150 °F will cause an increase in the amount of ferrite. Finishing temperature should be in the range of 1700-1800 °F to prevent grain coarsening on subsequent heat treatment and promote homogenous precipitation of carbides. In the annealed condition, Top Quality 302 Stainless Steel Pipe material is essentially austenitic and has forming characteristics similar to those of the AISI 300 series stainless steels. It has a higher rate of cold forming and work hardening and will cause marten site formation in proportion to the amount of deformation. If capacity is limited or deformation is severe, heating the material to 300 ° for above will minimize work hardening. In hardened atmosphere it has sufficient ductility for limited forming or straightening operations.
You will find Type 302 Stainless Steel Pipe in use in a variety of applications and products including:
- Stamping
- Spinning
- Wire Forming
- Washers
- Form Springs
- Spring Clips
- Retainers
- Screens
- Cables
To be considered Type 302 Stainless Steel Pipe, a stainless steel must be composed of the follow:
- Cr 17-19%
- Ni 8-10%
- Mn 2%
- Si 1%
- C 0.15%
- S 0.03%
- P 0.045%
Type 302 has tensile strength of 8990 psi and a yield strength of 39900 psi. Continental Steel is proud to be a of Type 302 Stainless Steel Pipe Supplier in Kolkata, West bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand, a variety of forms such as sheet, plate, wire, and strip. All of our stainless steel supplies meet or exceed the most exacting industry standards.